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banoodle's Schedule

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8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Component Based Development

With the component-based approach becoming the standard for Drupal 8 development we’re beginning to see some slick front-end environments show up in Drupal themes. The promise that talented front-enders with little Drupal knowledge can jump right in is now a reality and we at Mediacurrent are experiencing this firsthand already. In this training, we will put into practice one of the latest trends in development: components. Building a website using a component-based approach can help make code more reusable, dramatically improve collaboration among teams, while improving flexibility and long-term maintenance of your project. We will work on building a living style guide which will become the single source of truth for markup, styles, and javascript behaviors.

Register for the Component Based Development training.

22 Spaces Available
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8:00 AM-5:00 PM

JAMStack-ify Drupal 8 with GatsbyJS

Gatsby is rapidly becoming one of the most popular ways to build a React front-end on the web, and Drupal 8 is one of the best platforms to use as a back-end for Gatsby's data source! In this training you'll learn how to take a brand new Drupal 8 site running the Umami Demonstration Install Profile and build a recipe blog front-end using GatsbyJS and React. Once complete, we'll take our brand new site live using Netlify, a popular free hosting platform for Gatsby sites. Experience with React is not required for this training!
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9:00 AM-9:45 AM

A Recipe for Better Images in Drupal 8

For many Drupal 8 users, image display begins and ends with Drupal core's image styles. In this session we will look at a recipe of core and contributed modules that can push this further to support better performance across devices and browsers.  We will start with a brief overview of image styles and responsive images.  Then we'll move into image compression and optimization, with an emphasis on the how and why of using various contributed modules together.

10:15 AM-11:00 AM

JavaScript is Coming to Eat You

Drupal is a shining star in the world of content management systems, with a remarkable 20 year history and a proven ability to power some of the world’s largest brands and websites. WordPress has enjoyed even greater success, and now powers more than 30 percent of the entire web. Collectively, we have become extremely great at what we do. But in just the last 5 years, the landscape has shifted dramatically in ways that are fundamentally changing how and what we build.

11:15 AM-12:00 PM

Advanced migration techniques

In this session we are going to explore some advanced techniques for building and running migrations. Sometimes you can define your migrations in a single file, run them, close your laptop and go grab a beer. But let’s face it, most other times things are bit more complicated. What we will talk about in this session are some of the cases in which you need to get a bit creative. Such as standardise your source data. Transform it before it gets imported. Or build dynamic migrations.

1:30 PM-2:15 PM

2:30 PM-3:15 PM

SVG Magic!

SVGs, or scalable vector graphics, are great for logos and simple images as their resolution is always as good as the monitor you are viewing them on, but there is so much more. In this session we will look at all the ways to add svg to a web page based on intended use, methods for animation, browser support, helpful libraries, and accessibility. In addition we will explore some creative ways that SVGs are used to create interactive images, interfaces, filters, and masks. What is an SVG

3:45 PM-4:30 PM

Shine a Light on Me

Have you ever wondered how your website performs in terms of Performance, SEO, Accessibility, and Best Practices?  Come learn about the features of the Lighthouse auditing tool and the different ways that it can be integrated into your workflow. Things you’ll learn in the session: Why it’s good to run these checks against your site A background on performance audits

4:45 PM-5:30 PM

3 Years Decoupled Website Building and Hosting - Our Learnings

Decoupled Drupal is clearly here to stay, so what does this mean from a business point of view? As we consider all the implications of this change — a new programming language, new license, and the technical considerations of how we visualize and build websites — it’s important to identify how and when adaptations need to be made to our businesses to support all these changes.
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10:15 AM-11:00 AM

Making Drupal Friendly for Editors and Clients

Drupal’s extensibility allow us to create the perfect CMS for our organizations. But too often the same level of design is not considered when building out the editorial interfaces. The default tools are often scary for first-time Drupalers and include confusing words like ‘nodes’, ‘taxonomy’, and ‘blocks’. Making Drupal friendly for clients means checking internal jargon at the door and building interfaces that are intuitive and distraction free. Topics include:

11:15 AM-12:00 PM

Anonymous Personalization Without Leaving Drupal

Drupal has always been very strong at customizing user experiences for authenticated users, but what about anonymous users? What if you wanted to show a new banner block on your home page for first time visitors? Or gate a resource until users have filled out a contact form? For the most part, anonymous user display is determined by the url path, and per-user customization is dependent on excluding the page from cache, custom javascript or third parties.

1:30 PM-2:15 PM

A portable approach to Federated Search using Solr Drupal Node Js trio for better scalability

According to IDC, 90% of all the digital information is unstructured locked in multiple repositories and digital businesses have either underinvested in technology or invested in substandard technology in order to access them. Traditional search method leads to failures majorly due to the absence of optimisation practices and lack of unified framework.