Acquia Grand Master. Technical architect/engineer/project manager with a masters in application security. Work experience in higher education, government, and consulting sectors. Interested in development, DevOps, continuous integration, solutions architecture, and Drupal 8.
Advocate for continuous learning and former adjunct faculty member at Penn State University. Expertise in other areas, such as planning/specifications, agile/scrum, backlog management, learning/training, coaching, mentoring, and team enablement.
Project lead for SimplyTest.me and multi-year mentor for Google Summer of Code. Passionate about community governance, sustainability, and helping others shine.
If I can help you to become a community member or to mentor you in areas you are interested in, please use the contact form and reach out to me directly. I am also active on Drupal Slack, user name "nerdstein".
Presenting credentials:
Over the last four years, I have given various presentations at many Drupal events in the United States and several events multiple times. I presented at DrupalCon Seattle for the first time in 2019. I have been fortunate to provide the keynote for several of those events, including Drupal GovCon, Drupal Asheville, Drupal Colorado, and Drupal Camp St Louis. I have been featured at Florida Drupal Camp, Drupal Asheville, MidCamp, and others. I have given international talks at Drupal North and Drupal Camp Costa Rica. I have presented remotely at Drupal Europe, Stanford Drupal Camp, Drupal 8 Day, and at the DC Drupal Meetup. Topics vary from Drupal 8 development, contribution, technical leadership, security, DevOps, design systems, community, agile, and more.
Here are some talks that have recordings:
Better Together: Impact Through Contribution (GovCon keynote)
The Unintentional Findings of a Honey Badger (Asheville keynote)
Restoring Our Lost Imagination (Colorado keynote)
Security in Practice: Tools and Techniques (Florida featured talk)
My Journey to Understanding Technical Leadership (New Jersey / MidCamp talks)