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mariohernandez's Schedule

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8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Front-End Summit

Front-end development has evolved more rapidly than any other web discipline over the past several years. We flex and grow to absorb an ever-changing variety of workflows, toolsets, best practices, and technologies. We've got a full day of presentations and breakout sessions planned to cover a wide variety of front-end technologies and challenges — including Drupal 8 theming, component and pattern-based development, Layout Builder, decoupled Drupal and front-end build tools.
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1:30 PM-2:15 PM

Component-based Design with Pattern Lab

Each iteration of Drupal introduces new and exciting ways to manage content. However, the display of content is even more important along with the knowledge of how to convert a design to a theme. While we have all read about, watched and even worked with Twig to create new themes in Drupal 8, the way we work with Twig has changed.

2:30 PM-3:15 PM

Building an Intuitive Admin: Usability for the Forgotten End-User

Nearly every new project focuses heavily on the flashy design and fancy tools it'll make for its visitors. So much focus is driven into the site user's experience to make it intuitive and pleasant, but in many cases this ignores the users that will visit the site more than anybody else: the content editors.

Start Using the Emerging Layout Builder Ecosystem

After years of preparation and work, Layout Builder has landed in core and it promises a new way to make pages in Drupal. Will Layout Builder take over from the long pedigrees of Display Suite, Panels and other page layout systems? Is it already on the way to doing that? In this session, we will describe how we used Layout Builder on a major new Drupal 8 site and will cover:

SVG Magic!

SVGs, or scalable vector graphics, are great for logos and simple images as their resolution is always as good as the monitor you are viewing them on, but there is so much more. In this session we will look at all the ways to add svg to a web page based on intended use, methods for animation, browser support, helpful libraries, and accessibility. In addition we will explore some creative ways that SVGs are used to create interactive images, interfaces, filters, and masks. What is an SVG
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10:15 AM-11:00 AM

Level up your layout! Component Based SiteBuilding with Layout Builder & View Modes

View Modes are the site-building glue that brings your content strategy, design, media strategy, and UX development together to actually create your web displays. View Modes have been in Drupal for some time, but what do they really do? Why are they so powerful? With Drupal 8, View Modes are now even more relevant with the standardization of Entity and Field management across entity types.

1:30 PM-2:15 PM

How to Work Remotely and Foster a Happy, Balanced Life

Virtual. Remote. Distributed. Pick your label. This style of organization is becoming more popular and in-demand among many Drupal shops. While many folks have gone remote, some people find the experience quite isolating and disconnected. Does remote work make people happier? Does it make them more productive? The answer is not really. It is not the act of working from home that creates employee happiness; it is creating a culture that fosters remote practices to develop meaning, collaboration, and happiness.