beyond drupal

Why fork Drupal? The philosophy behind Backdrop CMS

Backdrop CMS is the Drupal fork. It is a faster and less-complex version of Drupal 7 with more features you want, and fewer you don't. This session will highlight the Backdrop Mission, it's intended audience, and it's guiding principles. We'll explain the decision making process, introduce the Project Management Committee, and expand on how the project's direction is set by the needs of the whole community. We'll cover topics like how we handle Security and Stability, and talk about how we're trying to decrease the cost of long-term website ownership.

Google Analytics 201

I was a self-taught Google Analytics user. I thought I was getting by OK. But, since working with professional analysts, I’ve seen how my data wasn’t as complete or accurate as I thought I was. And with bad data, it’s easy to tell the wrong story.  I’m here to level you up, and share best practices for setting up your Google Analytics accounts.  In this talk, we will: provide recommendations on best practices for setting up your views, filters, and goals

Bash is magic # No it's not

When leveling up as a developer, one of the most intimidating aspects often is using the command line interface, or CLI.  In fact, it might seem downright terrifying.  The reality is: If you can type, you can use the command line.  Every senior level developer will remember a time when they got overwhelmed by opening the terminal. Those same people will tell you this is one of the most important capabilities they acquired.