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oseldman's Schedule

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8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Front-End Summit

Front-end development has evolved more rapidly than any other web discipline over the past several years. We flex and grow to absorb an ever-changing variety of workflows, toolsets, best practices, and technologies. We've got a full day of presentations and breakout sessions planned to cover a wide variety of front-end technologies and challenges — including Drupal 8 theming, component and pattern-based development, Layout Builder, decoupled Drupal and front-end build tools.

9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

DevOps Summit

Want to accelerate development at your organization? The DevOps Summit is about inspiring people (aka YOU) with new processes and tools to help transform ideas into working web applications. We’ll be discussing topics like performance tuning, application scaling, automated testing, continuous integration, local development, ChatOps, and more. Along the way you’ll have a chance to pick the brains of leading DevOps professionals in the Drupal community. Anyone who is looking to work with happier development teams while saving time and money should attend.
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9:00 AM-9:45 AM

A Drupalers Guide to Marketing

Those of us planning, designing, building or supporting Drupal for others are increasingly working for people who see that work through the lens of Marketing. This session will start by looking at the big picture of what's happening in the web market (Wix, WordPress, Sitecore, etc.), where Drupal fits today and how that evolution involves marketing professionals. Put another way, if Drupal is becoming the tool for Ambitious Digital Experiences, those experiences are paid for by Marketing budgets. 

Building flexible and dynamic layouts in Drupal 8

Would you like to learn about layout builder in core? Are you feeling excited but a bit intimidated to start using it yourself? We've got you covered! Come to the session where you can become a layout builder ninja in just one day! You will get to learn tips and tricks and all of the gotchas from modules you should be using, building techniques, multilingual layout builder tips and performance to making it better for your editors and site-builders to use. We also will show you inspiring examples of real world projects to get your creative juices going!

10:15 AM-11:00 AM

Piles of Post-Its - Staying Organized to Focus on What Matters

This session is for anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed by a giant and ever-expanding list of tasks and priorities. How do you keep them organized and prioritized to ensure you’re completing what’s most urgent and important, but also that nothing is slipping through the cracks?

11:15 AM-12:00 PM

“But I’m not privileged!” Why diversity and inclusion are everyone’s problem.

As Dries Buytaert discussed in the DrupalCon Seattle keynote, open source has a serious diversity problem - and that includes our own Drupal community. We are people who care about fairness for all, and yet inequality persists. What can we do?

Navigating the Dark Arts of Configuration Management

There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this session. As such, there are few who appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is configuration management. However, for those select few who possess the predisposition, this session will teach you how to bewitch the code and ensnare the configuration. This session will tell you how to bottle updates, brew features, and even put a stopper in update errors. Then again, maybe some of you have come to BADCamp in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention!

1:30 PM-2:15 PM

Local Development Environments Panel Discussion

Local Drupal development can be tricky, especially with so many tooling choices. Having an environment that works for you is important whether you're a developer, tester, designer, or any sort of stakeholder. In this session, we'll review a few of the tools available (there are 37+ for Drupal at last count), their features, and meet some of the folks who build and use them.  This will be a panel discussion. Possible topics:

Better Project Management Through Board Games

The skills that are required to be a successful Project Manager encompass a great many things, and the expertise you acquire can be applied universally across every industry and most job roles. They're so broadly applicable that you can develop the skillset needed even outside of the workplace in everyday life... Like by playing Board Games! In this session, we'll identify some of the core competencies for a Project Management, and suggest Board Games that leverage these concepts which you can play to level up your Project Management Skills!

2:30 PM-3:15 PM

Start Using the Emerging Layout Builder Ecosystem

After years of preparation and work, Layout Builder has landed in core and it promises a new way to make pages in Drupal. Will Layout Builder take over from the long pedigrees of Display Suite, Panels and other page layout systems? Is it already on the way to doing that? In this session, we will describe how we used Layout Builder on a major new Drupal 8 site and will cover:

3:45 PM-4:30 PM

Shine a Light on Me

Have you ever wondered how your website performs in terms of Performance, SEO, Accessibility, and Best Practices?  Come learn about the features of the Lighthouse auditing tool and the different ways that it can be integrated into your workflow. Things you’ll learn in the session: Why it’s good to run these checks against your site A background on performance audits

4:45 PM-5:30 PM

Follow that data! Letting your users tell you what works.

In a world of endlessly approaching deadlines and pressure for always better results, who has time to do a retrospective?  It turns out, successful teams do.  Undertaking the necessary discipline it takes to develop the habit of this part of the Agile process does take effort but the end results are well worth it.     For a lot of teams that try, these end of sprint meetings can quickly turn into personal anecdote sessions and become completely based on 'gut feel' that is just a painful step that does not feel like it accomplishes anything valuable. 

Composer in Core Initiative: What it will mean for you

Drupal has leveraged Composer to manage its internal dependencies since version 8.0; however, the way that Drupal has been using Composer is unconventional. Our unconventional hybrid approach has allowed a loose continuity between managing codebases using Drupal 7 methods while simultaneously enabling more modern Composer based workflows. However, the modern Composer based approach was incomplete and unofficial, requiring third-party tools and examples such as drupal-composer/drupal-project.

Google Analytics 201

I was a self-taught Google Analytics user. I thought I was getting by OK. But, since working with professional analysts, I’ve seen how my data wasn’t as complete or accurate as I thought I was. And with bad data, it’s easy to tell the wrong story.  I’m here to level you up, and share best practices for setting up your Google Analytics accounts.  In this talk, we will: provide recommendations on best practices for setting up your views, filters, and goals

8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

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10:15 AM-11:00 AM

Making A Tour: Leveraging The Tour Module For A Better User Experience

Don't you wish there was a way you could give each and every user of your module's admin experience a quick and easy way to learn what each setting really did and why it was there?  Good news Drupal 8 users, this is actually in core.  The Tour Module has been in core since the first release of Drupal 8 and is awaiting you to leverage it.  

Level up your layout! Component Based SiteBuilding with Layout Builder & View Modes

View Modes are the site-building glue that brings your content strategy, design, media strategy, and UX development together to actually create your web displays. View Modes have been in Drupal for some time, but what do they really do? Why are they so powerful? With Drupal 8, View Modes are now even more relevant with the standardization of Entity and Field management across entity types.