A healthy “you” is the best contribution one can make. For us to thrive as a community, we have to take care of ourselves. Explore self-care within our community, mindfully, in this session.
Fostering a healthy environment of contribution includes providing self-care support and guidance for the members in the community. The Drupal software project and its supporting ecosystem is supported by individuals donating their time and skills. Donating. For free.
Maintaining one's personal ability to continually contribute - and understanding when it is "OK" to NOT contribute is important because we are in here for the marathon, not the sprint.
This session will explore challenges one will meet in the Drupal community and contribution that may impact self-care.
This session will cover methods to approach self-care and community relationships.
The topics covered:
- Real-life examples of self-care
- Understanding challenges
- Methods of self-care
- Personality alignment with others
- Conflict management
- Perception techniques
- Some loving-kindness. :)
Level of knowledge required
Target audiences and their takeaways
- All:
- Understand how one's contribution interacts with life and the Drupal community.
- Strive for healthy life-balance
- Awareness of judgement and how to healthily approach it
- Use the tools to create some self-care planning
- Have terms and concepts to articulate what we may be feeling.
- Methods to achieve effective results.