Join us at the BADCamp Contribution Lounge for coffee, community, and contributions! This is a great chance to help make Drupal 8 more polished.
The BADCamp Contribution Lounge is at the Hotel Shattuck. The Lounge has Internet access and an ample supply of coffee and water. We're open from Wednesday, October 2nd to Saturday, October 5. Come participate!
Who should attend?
We welcome those from all levels of expertise, background, gender, ethnicity, sexual identity, religion, age, and ability. Our community is diverse and we know that Drupal can benefit when everyone is included.
Not a coder?
That’s perfectly fine! There will be mentors available for those who need a little help to get started.
We will also have mini workshops throughout the day for first-time contributors. There will be help setting up the necessary tools, understanding which types of issues to work on, and even some live demos of the complete contribution process (from finding an issue, fixing the problem, making a patch, uploading a patch, and reviewing the patch for commit).
Not everyone who works on open source projects is a developer. Smaller tasks help the less experienced gain confidence and experience, which, in turn, leads to more contributions. Code is very important, but so are all the other parts.
Anything you want! From Drupal Core to community contributed projects. There is plenty of work to be done to move the project closer to perfection.
There will also be breakout groups to focus on things like Accessibility, Coding Standards, and Documentation.
The Contribution Lounge is sponsored by Kanopi Studios.